What is the difference between High Physical Support and Fully Accessible Categories

InPlace Living create Specialist Disability Accommodation in all design categories; Robust, Improved Liveability, Fully Accessible and High Physical Support. A common question we are asked is “What is the difference between these two categories, Fully Accessible and High Physical Support?”.

The NDIS defines both a Fully Accessible and High Physical support dwelling as one that incorporates a high level of physical access provision for people with significant physical impairment.

However, while a Fully Accessible and High Physical Support dwelling may both have greater doorway widths, greater circulation space, level access in and out of the dwelling, adjustable benches and accessible bathrooms; High Physical Support dwellings are designed not only for a high level of physical access provision but for individuals who require higher levels of support.

High Physical Support houses also include battery backup for assistive technology, additional provision for a ceiling hoist and potential provision for continuous tracking of a hoist from the bedroom to bathroom.

InPlace Living are amongst the small list of SDA providers who create Fully Accessible SDA with High Physical Support provision in mind to ensure that over time if an individual’s support needs change, the dwelling too, can change to meet those needs.

If you would like to learn more about our High Physical Support and Fully Accessible houses and how we can support someone in their SDA journey, you can contact the InPlace Living team on (03) 8369 0131 or email us at info@inplaceliving.com.au

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